I’ve been waiting to unveil this one for a couple of weeks now!

My friend +Neal Schaffer of Windmill Networking has compiled a Q& A about Google+ with top industry experts. This panel has a difference: each and every one of them is an active and avid user of Google+ who has found real value in the platform. Unlike too many tech journalists who have dismissed Google+ as a “ghost town” after never really giving it much of a try, these folks have all discovered its power and built large and useful networks through it.

I want you to read the full article “Guy Kawasaki and 10 Experts Chime in on the Value of Google Plus – And How You Can Start to Leverage It” on Neal’s site, but I’ve included some tasty tweetable tidbits below to whet your appetite. Each person’s name is linked to their Google+ profile, so you can circle them there. (By the way, I write a monthly column for Windmill Networking on “Google+ for Business.”)

guy-kawasakiGuy Kawasaki (Brand Evangelist, Author of What the Plus!: Google+ for the Rest of Us):

The potential of Google Plus for businesses & professionals is great because it is a clean slate – @GuyKawasaki .

mark-traphagenMark Traphagen (Director of Social Media Marketing, Virante Inc., and author of a soon-coming eBook on Google Authorship):

Approach Google Plus like you would a cocktail party full of interesting strangers. .

 Use Google Plus like blogs; seek and build valuable networks by posting and commenting .

Amanda Blain (“Geek Girl” – Social Media Consultant – Over 2 million followers on Google+):

Google Plus is relationship building. Social media in the true, give and take form .

jaana-nystromJaana Nystrom (Finnish Google+ rockstar, popular guide to G+ newcomers, nearly 1/2 million followers):

If Google Plus feels like a Ghost Town, you’re using it wrong. .

There is no must on G Plus but a huge amount of possibilities… Welcome to the Circleverse! .

linda-lawreyLinda Lawrey (Consultant,  IT Tech, Blogger, Geek, Wife, Mom and Social Media Enthusiast. Over 1 million followers on G+):

 Google Plus isn’t a broadcast medium. You are responsible for breathing life into your own experience .

aj-kohnAJ Kohn (SEO Consultant, Conference Speaker, Blogger at Blind Five Year Old):

The connection between G Plus and search is far greater than many imagine and is only growing stronger .

fraser-cainFraser Cain (Publisher of  Universe Today, over 300,000 followers on G+)

 Google Plus is the place you go to engage with people who share your interests .

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