November 9th, 2011 meeting with Jenny Schmitt,...
Jenny Schmitt, CloudSpark (Photo credit: ALsocme)

A live blog of a presentation by Jenny Schmidt, President of CloudSpark.

Tools and technology ENABLE trends. People and their behavior CREATE trends.

e -> mcs ecommerce is mobile commerce to the power of socialization.

4 technologies and tools enabling new trends

  1. Touch: Gorilla glass developed. Nobody knew what to do with it. Steve Jobs in 2004 impressed by it, and it became the glass for most smart phones. Cars with touch dashboards and entry systems.
  2. Connectivity: How many now sleep with their smart phones with them and on. 70% do according to Pew research.
  3. Mobile: We’re undergoing “mobile warming.” From 9 million smart phones in 2007 to 111 million in 2012. From 12 million to 75 million tablets in just 10 months.
  4. Social
Average Facebook brand post engagement has grown 9 fold since 2011 (Timeline).
Rise of visual (Pinterest, InstaGram).
  1. Real Time: Shazzam, Spotify. The DVR generation: watch what we want when we want to. People expect fast responses to customer service tweets. The shift from Ecommerce to Mcommerce (mobile).
  2. Presumers: People want to be involved in a product before it even exists. They want to influence what the product will be like. Co-creation. Or they want to be a part of the cache around a major launch. Kickstarter is only 3 years old and have funded over 73,000 projects, $377M raised. She’s sharing numerous examples of successful Kickstart projects.
  3. One Touch: tech at our fingertips. Remove barriers to getting sale. Amazon one-click ordering. Refrigerator magnet that is a button that orders your favorite pizza with a push. Biometric payments: two-finger touch at any hotel service (pool bar, room service, business computer center) charges service to your room bill. 400% increase in in-property services revenue. Evian chez-vous site in France to order water delivery, will have a refrigerator button to auto order. All examples of using technology to modify our behavior. Make it easy, mindless, and fun and people will do it.
  4. Artificial Scarcity: Carefully crafted limited access. “If individualism is god, uniqueness is its goddess.” Doughnut Vault in Chicago only makes so much of each product per day, then closes. Lines around the block. Gilt app: “flash” sales – have to present code at certain time to get the deal.
Other trends:
  1. branded governement
  2. safety nets
  3. energy creation devices: purses that charge cell phone
  4. real world liking (near field communication NFC at an event or store)
  5. super eco: organic, fair-labor, low-energy transportation, recyclable packaging.
  6. tasksumers: paying people to do small tasks via social connections.
Read marketing trend data: Springwise on Twitter.
Watch how tech influences behavior. Who could’ve predicted how the iPhone would change the way we do so many things? Putting small cameras out of business.Remember, technology is never the trend; people’s behavior is the trend. Tech just influences the behavior.
Customers want more, want to be rewarded for interactions. Increased access, new products, even stickers.
Want to use a trend? Don’t chase it. Blend it in. Chase your customers, not the tech.
End of presentation.
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