Russ Jones
Russ Jones

Yesterday Virante’s CTO Russ Jones (Twitter: @rjonesx) spoke at PubCon in Las Vegas on the topic “Low Risk, High Reward Link Development.” Virante Director of Customer Relations Jacob Bobhall (Twitter: @jakebohall) live tweeted the talk. The following is an aggregation of his tweets (with hashtags & a few other references removed):

  • SEO Misconception: paid links are always more risky than non-paid methods
  • Acquiring links to manipulate results is against google’s TOS… not distinguished because you did or did not pay for it
  • mentioned free SEO tools by@virante – here is a link –
  • Every link has to have a justifiable reason to exist… other than building rankings
  • Here is a way to get citation links (replace keyword with the one you are targeting)
  • Get content attribution links: Incorporated a copy/paste snippet of code with your viral infographic. seed it.
  • post on YouMoz references referral-based link development to encourage caching –
  •  @rjonesx recommends @knowemand @zemanta for clean link dev techniques.
  • @virante recently launched the LDA Content…
  • talking about scaling, quality, and math… how do agencies get links in 2012 and beyond
  • measure the mathematical value of potential links, the statistical requirements of ranking, and use mitigation techniques
  • @rjonesx showing off one of Virante’s formulas to determine the mathematical value of a link.
  • keep number of root domains for any specific keyword well below 20% of overall inbound links
  • I hate to mention them because they are a competitor.. but they have awesome tools.. re: ontolo
  • use predictive analysis to determine potential of getting a link.. shopping cart buttons? known link networks? adsense?
  • People like selling links to girls.. not guys. Use a pseudonym!
  • Hire a statistician, give them the data, and have them figure out they why/how.. if you try to do it, you will be biased