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Google Announces Encrypted Search for Signed-In Users – How This Affects Your Google Analytics Reports

Google officially announced that over the next few weeks, it will begin encrypting search queries and results for signed-in users.  This change will increase privacy and …

AdWords Dynamic Keyword Insertion Misuse #2

A friend of mine saw the following ad in her Gmail account recently: (Hint: she sends and receives a lot of email about horses.) What ...

Is Your Paid Search Agency Ripping You Off? (Part 3)

Carefully-chosen and well-crafted keywords are "key" (if you'll excuse the pun) to paid search success. They are the gateway at which the search intent of ...

Google Adwords’ New Improved Ad Preview Tool

It’s out of beta and stage center in your AdWords interface: the new and improved Ad Preview Tool! In case you weren’t familiar with the Ad ...

How to Use AdWords Negative Keywords Lists

It’s no secret that negative keywords are one of the most powerful paid search marketing tools. By weeding out undesirable search terms, negative keywords can enable ...

Exploring Analytics AdWords Traffic Reports: Campaigns & Keywords

This is the second of a multi-part series. We’re looking at insights the new AdWords section under Traffic Sources in Google Analytics that go beyond ...

Negative Keywords Do Not Affect Google AdWords Quality Scores. Yes, But…

Matthew Mierzejewski at the Rimm-Kaufman Group Blog has published an excellent post on why negative keywords do not affect Google AdWords Quality Scores. (He also ...

How Will Google Instant Affect AdWords Paid Search?

Moments ago, Google Instant search went live. If you don’t see it yet, it will roll out over the next few days. It appears to ...

Making Valid AdWords Ad Testing More Valid

Jessica at PPC Hero makes an excellent point in her recent post “Never Odd or Even: PPC Ad Text Testing Made Easy.” It’s a factor in split ...

Twylah Turns Your Twitter into a Blog

Twylah may be the best yet online upgrade to the default interface, particularly if you’re desiring to build interactivity with your account and the ...

Understanding Adwords Modified Broad Match Keywords

In July of 2010, Google AdWords announced a global rollout of a new broad match keyword modifier feature. This new feature is supposed to create ...

AdWords Peel & Stick Keywords: The Importance of Negative Sculpting

If you’ve spent any time doing pay-per-click advertising, you’re probably familiar with the technique known as “peel and stick,” popularized by AdWords guru Perry Marshall. ...
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