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The 2020 Year End Recap: Paid Advertising

2020… Well, what a year?! It feels like I just finished a blind date that has made me want to drive off into a sunset ...
SERP layout with paid ads and organic listings

How Paid Advertising Complements SEO

Paid Advertising or SEO: Boost One, Boost Them All It is far too common that PPC efforts and SEO efforts are managed independently instead of ...

Digital Marketing Tool Spotlight: iSpionage

iSpionage Successful digital marketing strategies are composed of several elements, one of which is competitive intelligence. What makes this element so important is that, in ...

Paid Advertising 101: CPC

Cost-Per-Click (CPCs) Cost Per Click is the actual price you pay for each click. A click on one of your ads will register a cost ...

Digital Marketing Tool Spotlight: Hotjar

Hotjar One of the most critical parts of creating a successful marketing strategy is understanding your audience—everything involving their needs and desires, their intent and ...

Paid Advertising 101: Clicks

Clicks A “click” represents each time a user clicks your ad, be it an ad on the search results page, another web page within your ...

Paid Advertising 101: Impressions

Impressions Common Abbreviation: Impr. An “impression” represents each time your ad is shown, be it on a search result page, another web page within your ...
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