Episode Description: 

Join the Hive Digital Expert Roundup as we explore the anatomy of a Google result page, sharing the potential paths to optimization and the value of improving how you appear in search.

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In this round table episode, you will learn:

  • What the different parts of search engine results pages (SERPs) are
  • Insight into how Google analyses and ranks content for search engine results
  • How Google understand and responds to user intent
  • What steps you can take to optimize your content for search engines

Duration: 30 mins

Meet Your Hosts:

john gibbings

John Gibbings

Hive Digital SEO Expert
John Gibbings has been working, adapting and succeeding within organic search for multi-million dollar companies since 2011. He is a Senior SEO Consultant with Hive Digital, where he works hand in hand with the internal departments to ensure the best focus and care is given to each client.

Jarrett Weathersby

Hive Digital SEO Expert
Jarrett Weathersby is an SEO Analyst here at Hive Digital. He has a background in digital marketing, specializing in web development and technical SEO implementation. He has 4 years of experience under his belt and is ready to optimize your web presence at any scale. Jarrett received his BS degree in Physics from North Carolina Central University.

Jeremy Rivera

Hive Digital SEO Expert
Jeremy is a 12 year veteran of the SEO wars, and has fought in the trenches with plumbers, roofers, and realtors, as well as big shot brands and enterprise level companies.
Sheffield Pulley - Hive Digital

Sheffield Pulley

Hive Digital Director of Growth
Passionate about companies and causes that are tackling some of the world’s most difficult issues within the mental wellness, healthy lifestyle, and sustainability industries, Sheffield Pulley helps globally responsible organizations grow their territory of influence while positively affecting their bottom line. Since joining our team in 2017 as a proven professional, his skills, methodologies, and passions have continued to drive positive client experiences and a thriving business development model, while also preserving and nurturing Hive Digital’s commitment to empowering globally responsible organizations with industry-leading innovation and digital marketing expertise.