Malcolm Young Virante Patriotic Employer Award
Kenneth R. Oppenheim, CDR, USN (Ret.) presents the Patriotic Employer Award to Virante CEO Malcolm Young (right).

Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), a division of the United States Department of Defense, today named Virante Inc. CEO Malcolm Young as a “Patriotic Employer.” The award was presented in an informal ceremony at Virante headquarters in Morrisville, NC, by North Carolina Chair of the ESGR, Kenneth R. Oppenheim, CDR, USN (Ret.).

The award recognizes Mr. Young’s and Virante’s active support of our National Guard and Reserve by allowing employees who are in the Reserve to fulfill mandatory training time as well as active duty time with Virante’s support and encouragement.

The award reads:

The Office of the Secretary of Defense recognizes Malcolm Young, Virante Inc., as a Patriotic Employer for contributing to national security and freedom by supporting employee participation in America’s National Guard and Reserve Force.”

Mr. Young was nominated for the award by former Virante employee and National Guard Reserve member Cory Fogg. During Cory’s time of employment at Virante, Mr. Young granted him all time needed to participate in his mandatory training periods with no loss of income or earned vacation time. And when Cory’s unit was called up for active duty guarding sensitive US installations in Egypt, Mr. Young told Cory that he was guaranteed a job with Virante when his oversees obligation was completed.

Virante will hold a more formal presentation ceremony later this year when Cory returns to the United States.


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