Hive Digital

Industry Insights & News


Panda Risk

After careful consideration, we’ve decided to decommission as a self-serve tool, and give away the insights! The Google Panda update targets low-quality websites identified using a machine learned algorithm. At the time of launch, utilized the seed questions reportedly used in training Google’s Panda Algorithm with user surveys of your website.

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Facebook Ads

3 Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Facebook Campaigns

Facebook is a great way to reach your target audience, but it is important to implement your Facebook campaigns correctly. It can be easy to ...
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Google Shopping Cart

Get the Most Out of Your Google Shopping Feed

Many people may be wondering what exactly a shopping feed is.  A shopping feed is a document that has information on all the products you ...
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Clutch Top SEO Consultants

Hive Digital Recognized as one of top 15 SEO Firms in the US

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Hive Server Health Hub

Hive Digital Launches Server Health Hub

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Mobile Usability on April 21st – Google Algo Update Drawing Near

Google Mobile Usability Algorithm Update – April 21st, 2015 from Jake Bohall Google doesn’t often provide advance notice to the world when they are going ...
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Yahoo Business Directory Reincarnated

In late September, Yahoo reported that it would be shutting down one of the most well-known and respected directories on the web, the Yahoo business ...
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Authorshipocalypse! The Great Google Authorship Purge Has Begun

December 2013: Authorship in Search Results Gets Restricted UPDATE 21 January 2013: I have now published results of my study detailing who lost Google Authorship ...
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Google Penguin Hunting: An Interview with Russ Jones, CTO of Virante

At Pubcon this October, John Rampton of Search Engine Journal interviewed Russ Jones, CTO of Virante, about how to Penguin-proof a website. The Google Penguin ...
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Negative SEO and Link Removals: Interview with Virante’s Jacob Bohall

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Penguin Penalty Checker: Introducing Penguin Analysis

New Penguin Penalty Checker Site Assess Your Google Penalty Risk Penguin Analysis is a new site that can help you assess how at risk your ...
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