Online Marketing
Classic Misuse of Dynamic Keyword Insertion
From a search on Google for the keyword “ball cancer” (in the Sponsored Results column): Next time I’m looking to buy cancer balls, I’ll know …
TrueTwit Pre-Validate’s Your Twitter Followers
If you’re trying to do marketing on Twitter the “hard but right” way (i.e., actively engaging with and listening to followers instead of just link ...
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New Facebook feature a help to spreading your message…sort of
I wrote a couple of months ago about some elements of fail in Facebook’s Pages feature from a marketing standpoint. A recent new feature at ...
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Google’s Sidewiki: The Only Thing to Fear Is…Not Much?
Proving once again that it is the Santa Claus of the Internet, Google last week announced yet another free toy: Google Sidewiki. Sidewiki is an ...
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Google AdWords: Exact Isn’t Always….Well…Exact
If you’ve been using Google’s AdWords and/or Analytics products for any length of time, you must be aware that the numbers don’t always add up. ...
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In Which I Go Negative on AdWords (in a Good Way)
(Reading hint: If you’re already familiar with the value of negative keywords in PPC advertising, skip to my last paragraph for my new suggestion.)Your mother ...
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Google Wants to Eliminate Keywords?
Google is contemplating eliminating keyword-based search and advertising results in favor of “just let Google decide who to connect with your ads.” So reports Rebecca ...
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Westward Ho! for Google Ads
We noticed yesterday a subtle change in the layout of Google search: the column of paid ads has been shifted into a fixed space, more ...
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Free Isn’t Always Best
Tested two ads for a client recently. One offered a stay at a resort for $19.95. The other offered it for free. $19.95 was the ...
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When Auto-Tweeting Fails
I’m a huge fan of the Tour de France; love to know what’s happening over there as it’s happening. Downside of “over there” though is ...
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Twitter “Improves” Following/Follower UI by Making It Worse
When it comes to user interfaces (UI), the “U” should also stand for “useful.” Flashy is no substitute. When I heard yesterday that Twitter had ...
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Another Facebook Fail for Marketing
I have previously written about “Three No-Brainers that are No-Shows on Facebook Pages for Internet Marketing.” In that post I detailed some aspects of Facebook ...
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Google Profiles and Reputation Management – Part 1
A few days ago I posted some suggestions about using social media sites to “ace” the front page of Google (fill the first page of ...
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Three No-Brainers that Are No-Shows on Facebook Pages for Internet Marketing
As a Facebook user for several years now I’ve become pretty numb to the hysteria that greets each new major change of the user interface. ...
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