Social Media
Google Profiles and Reputation Management – Part Two
In Google Profiles and Reputation Management – Part 1, I made a case for why building a Google Profile should be a central part of …
Maybe You Should NOT Use Social Media for Your Marketing
A co-worker pulled me in on a phone consultation with a client yesterday. The client wanted to know if they should be on Twitter, and ...
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Social Media and Reputation Management
Are you an ace? I don’t mean you’ve shot down boucoups enemy planes in some WW I video game. I’m coining a new usage of ...
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Social Media Growing by Leaps….Or Not?
Two stories came across my FriendFeed feed back-to-back this morning: 1. Compete: Facebook US Traffic Nearing Google, Yahoo – (via 2. Study shows ...
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$300 or Free…um, er…Give Me a Moment
“You get what you pay for” is usually a pretty good dictum to follow. But the Internet often negates that truism. Certainly one of the ...
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BackTweets Finds Links to You on Twitter
UPDATE (1/2012): BackTweets has been acquired by Twitter and the service is no longer available publicly. If you’re at all serious and savvy about using Twitter ...
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Are You a Social Media Failure?
“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” – Oprah Winfrey Market research firm Gartner ...
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Is Your Social Media Marketing Breaking the Law?
The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has some rules about online marketing that may surprise you – they certainly surprised me. Recently, SEOmoz’s own Sarah Bird ...
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Social Media Marketing: Where are the Measurables?
(From🙂 In its simplest form, SEO (define) is a three-step process: break down crawling barriers to help the engines efficiently index a Web site; ...
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