Hive Digital

Elliot Koppel

Content Contributor

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Latest Articles by Elliot Koppel

Web Analytics and Performance – Internet Summit

I was fortunate to be able to attend Internet Summit 2012 in Raleigh, NC, and below are some of the highlights from this morning’s session ...

Google Webmaster Tools Updates its SEO Report Ranking

Google announced, via its Webmaster Central Blog, that it was making an update to the “Top Search Queries” data.  Beginning today, Google Webmaster Tools Top ...
Google SSL

Google Announces Encrypted Search for Signed-In Users – How This Affects Your Google Analytics Reports

Google officially announced that over the next few weeks, it will begin encrypting search queries and results for signed-in users.  This change will increase privacy and ...

Google Analytics Updates How Sessions are Tracked

Last week, the Google Analytics Team announced it was modifying how they track sessions.  This change will not affect your historical data, rather, it will ...
Firebug Logo

Firefox Loses a Big Developer to Chrome – Firebug Creator Going to Google

John J. Barton, the creator of Firebug, announced he is going to work developing the next generation of web dev tools for Google. In my ...
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