Hive Digital

Mark Traphagen

Role: Director of Social Media
Dept: Social Media

Mark Traphagen

Content Contributor

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Latest Articles by Mark Traphagen

Why are There Conversion Discrepancies Between Google AdWords and Analytics?

Whether trying to make decisions about account optimization or trying to generate accurate reports for clients, one of the most frustrating and disconcerting anomalies occurs ...

Understanding the Google +1 Button and AdWords

As you may have noticed by now, if you are logged in to Google while searching using Google, +1 icons now appear not only by ...

Add a Layer of Security to Your Google Account with Google 2-Step Verification

Google has instituted an opt-in 2-step verification process that could protect your Google account even if someone gets your password. Here’s the nutshell on how it works: ...

Raleigh SEO Meetup Sponsored by Virante Inc. Brings Triangle SEOs Together

A jam-packed bar late into a Thursday night in downtown Raleigh? What could it be but the second Raleigh SEO Meetup, this time sponsored by ...

Virante Fashion Wear?

Nina, our Client Representative, sports the latest in coveted Virante bling: (Cue Price Is Right Announcer Voice:) “That’s right, Mark! These stylish earrings also double ...
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Reaching out is the first step toward elevating your digital presence. Put our expertise in SEO, Paid Advertising, Analytics, and Conversion Optimization to work for you today and join the ranks of our satisfied clients who’ve seen transformative growth and unparalleled results.
Trusted and certified by partners world-wide:
US Search Awards - Large
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Let's make the world better together.

Reaching out is the first step toward elevating your digital presence. Put our expertise in SEO, Paid Advertising, Analytics, and Conversion Optimization to work for you today and join the ranks of our satisfied clients who’ve seen transformative growth and unparalleled results.

Trusted and certified by partners world-wide:
us agency awards
premier google partner
content king certified partner
us search awards 2021 winner