New Penguin Penalty Checker Site Assess Your Google Penalty Risk

Penguin AnalysisPenguin Analysis is a new site that can help you assess how at risk your site might be for a Google Penguin penalty. It’s the latest innovation from our awesome link removal experts at Remove’em (the leading tool to automate much of the process of recovering from a Google penalty.)

What is a Google Penguin Penalty?

(Skip this section if you are already familiar with Google Penguin.) Google’s Penguin algorithm update goes after sites that appear to be trying to intentionally manipulate Google’s search rankings. Primarily, such sites typically have a pattern of lots of over-optimized, unnatural-looking links, especially from low value or irrelevant sites. These links are usually intentionally placed with the intention of manipulating ranking signals, and that violates Google Webmaster Guidelines.

If Google Penguin detects such a pattern of unnatural-looking links pointing at a particular website, that site may be assessed a manual penalty. That means that Google will flip a switch to lower (or in extreme cases, completely eliminate) the site’s ability to rank in Google Search.

For commercial web sites, a Penguin penalty can mean a significant drop in traffic, and that means a direct impact on the business’s bottom line.

While it’s impossible to say with certainty whether any particular site will receive a Penguin penalty, there are parameters that sites that have been penalized have in common, and if your site has a similar profile, it may be in danger. That’s where Penguin Analysis comes in.

How Does Penguin Analysis Work?

The Penguin Analysis Penguin penalty checker is an offshoot of Virante’s Remove’em Backlink Removal Tool project. Working with hundreds of penalized site owners, our Remove’em team became in-depth experts on the kinds of patterns common to penalized site. We added to that an deep statistical analysis of known Penguin-penalized sites based on 68 contributory factors, and bolstered by a Gradient Boosting machine learning algorithm.

The result was what we call our Penguin Vulnerability Score (PVS). The PVS is the percent of likelihood of a page being hit by Penguin compared to the average commercially-ranked website for a particular keyword. So a negative PVS means you are less likely than the average site to be impacted by Penguin; a positive score means you are more likely. So, for example, a PVS of 100% would mean that you are twice as likely as the average commercial site competing for the particular keyword to be a victim of Penguin.

For more about how we built the PVS, see our Research page.

Does a High PVS Mean I Will Get Penalized?

Penguin Analysis does not predict whether or not you will actually ever receive a Penguin penalty. Actually, only a fraction of the sites that could be subject to Penguin ever get penalized. But you could compare it to the risk of smoking. Only 25% of heavy-smoking males will ever get lung cancer, but it is still beneficial to know the risks if you are a smoker, and a good doctor will tell them to you. That’s what Penguin Analysis does. It lets you know how at risk you are, not whether or not you will actually receive a penalty.

Will Penguin Analysis Help Me If I’m at Risk?

If you get a high PVS, the report generated by Penguin Analysis will included suggestions on specific steps you might take to lower your risk of a Penguin penalty and improve (i.e., lower) your PVS. These might include suggestions such as removing links from low-quality sites, reducing the number of anchor text-specific links, or increasing high quality links to your site, among others. Those at most serious risk might want to consider making use of a backlink removal tool such as Remove’em.

What If I Need a Deeper Analysis?

If you want a deeper assessment of your risk for Penguin and other possible Google penalties, contact our Penguin Analysis team at [email protected] to arrange a custom analysis.

Ready to start? Try out Penguin Analysis today at JUMP TO A CATEGORY