Dissemination of information, whether it be text, images, videos or something else entirely, is seamless in the ever-connected world in which we live. Everyone has a smartphone, tablet, computer or some other device that can access the Internet. An unfortunate side effect of this connectivity is the copying or unlawful release of images that would not otherwise be available online. Many of these images that require removal can be quite compromising or lewd. Whether it was a vengeful ex or someone that simply wants to smear you or your brand, many people and companies require the ability to remove images from Google and other search engines. It is not as difficult of a process as one might think, and what follows is our guide on how to remove images from search engine results!

How to Remove Images from Google Search

The good people at Google have created a helpful guide on how to remove images from search results here.

Here is a quick recap of their instructions on how to remove images from Google searches:

  1. Search on images.google.com for the image you want to remove from Google.
  2. Select the image link by right-clicking on the image thumbnail and choosing Copy link address.
  3. Go to the Remove outdated content page.
  4. Paste the URL in the box next to “Request removal.”
  5. Click Request Removal and wait for Google to remove the image.

NOTE: You may need to wait a few days for cache to be purged from data centers to finalized removing images from Google Image search.

Before you do this… you will need to remove the image from the website or websites that is hosting the image(s). You will need to emailing the webmaster and ask them to remove the image. If this doesn’t work, you can always file a DMCA takedown and contacting the hosting company that hosts the website.
how to remove images from Google image search

Unfortunately, removing images from Google’s search results is reliant on the kindness of other webmasters. If that does not work, then you may be able to utilize other methods to remove images from the websites and search results. There have been laws passed recently that prevent compromising images and videos from being posted, and if they are posted, you can sue the offending party for damages. One example of a preventative law that was passed in North Carolina can be found here. You could also push through a DMCA claim, but that is for fringe cases where it is a copyrighted image or video being used illegally.

How Do You Prevent Pictures from Appearing in Search Results?

What follows is an abridged version of how to prevent your pictures from appearing in search results. Using this helpful guide, you won’t have to remove images from Google or any other search engine!


One primary preventative step would be to keep compromising or personal images in a safe place, preferably that is password-protected and/or under lock and key. One note about passwords, MAKE YOUR PASSWORD UNIQUE AND DIFFICULT TO DECIPHER. Check out this post on Wikipedia with the most common passwords throughout the past few years, and if you have any passwords that match these, CHANGE IT IMMEDIATELY. Passwords that use your birth date, maiden name, and other personal data can be easily found through a simple Google search or checking your Facebook profile. Secure passwords also ring true with a phone or tablet screen lock as well; do not make it easy for someone to figure out, but don’t make it so difficult you lock yourself out of your phone (speaking from experience).


Part of living in our ever-connected society is knowing when and where you are being watched. Whether it was Solange attacking Jay-Z in an elevator, or your drunken-antics at the club this past weekend, there may be an ever-watchful eye on you and your actions in public places. Security camera footage and smartphone photos are just two of the many places where your dirt can be uncovered by the public eye. Make good decisions where ever you go and do not put yourself in compromising positions in public places, and you will not have to worry about how to remove images from search results (unless you are a celebrity, then you may be up a creek without a paddle).

How to Remove Images from Bing

Bing and other search engines have similar processes by which to remove images and other content from their search results. You have to contact the webmaster, request the deletion of the content, then use the tools available to remove the content from search results. Here is Bing’s Content Removal Guide if you happen to find your images, content, or videos appearing in their search results. There’s no real easy way to remove images from Bing (just like removing images from Google), but these are the methods we have at our disposal.

remove images from bing

If you find yourself at the mercy of Google and other search engines showing your images or other content, do not hesitate to take the matter into your own hands. There are also tons of companies out there that handle reputation management, so if it seems to be too much for you, contact us at [email protected] and we can get you connected with someone who can help you in your unique situation!