As many of you know, Remove’em is already up for the US Search Awards in the Innovation category. We were and remain to be the first and only full service – from link finding to link tracking to contact finding to email delivering to disavow building – link removal tool on the Internet. But, if you want to be an innovator, you have to keep innovating, so we have done just that…

Introducing 3rd Party Verified Removals
Here is the sad truth. When you get caught by Google, they have no reason to believe you. You have been trying to dupe them for years and have been caught red handed with a manual penalty. So what do you do? You file a reconsideration request where you claim to have done all this work trying to remove links. Every reconsideration request reads the exact same way… “we contacted all these people but no one responded… or they demanded payment… or there was no contact information”.

Why should Google believe you? Aside from actual links removed and disavowed, Google has no way of knowing whether you actually put in any effort or not… until now.


Remove ’em tool users will now find an awesome, straightforward feature built into their system. When they are ready to file a reconsideration request, simply press the button that says “Create Public Link Report” and it will generate a report just like the one above.

It says your domain name, how many links you have removed, how many contacts you have made (emails and forms), how many links and sites you have disavowed. It is the same kind of stuff you would include in a reconsideration request, but because it is generated directly from our databases, Google can be certain that you aren’t just making stuff up.

Just include the URL in your reconsideration request as 3rd party proof of your good faith effort to get back in Google’s good graces.

That’s all for now, but expect more as we continue to push the innovation envelope here at Virante and Remove’em.JUMP TO A CATEGORY