Companies today demand more from their developers and IT teams than ever before. Along with the demand for new technologies and tools comes the responsibility of monitoring and maintaining the health of websites and applications. If you are currently running server checks manually you are losing valuable time that could be spent focusing on new development and more pressing tasks. Server Health Hub is a must-have resource for the developer community.

Server Health Hub Features:

  • Fully Customizable – You create the testing categories/components as well as the frequency at which you want the tests run for your site or application
  • Notifications – If the program detects a problem the account owner and any specified users linked to the account will receive an immediate email notification identifying the issue
  • Multiple Plan Options – Whether you’re a one-man operation managing a few servers or a large team of developers monitoring many websites and applications, Server Health Hub has a plan for you. The difference in plans is not found in the functionality of the program but in the amount of people and sites/applications associated with the account
Server Health Hub allows you to keep your network servers performing at their their optimum capacity without wasting time on manual checks and error investigation. Whether you’re running a site with static HTML pages or an elaborate, multi-server application, Server Health Hub has you covered. screenshot2JUMP TO A CATEGORY